After, over four decades, of involvement (personal and professional), in, nearly, everything, related to effectively leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, I strongly believe, and counsel – others, nothing – of – consequence, is usually achieved, unless/ until, a well – considered, relevant, sustainable, meaningful, https://www.tripsite.co.uk/, action plan, is created, and used, effectively! This process must begin, with, professionally – designed, meaningful, strategic planning, which examines, everything, including the individual group’s heritage, history, mission, demographics, financial health/ well – being, present circumstances, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as its leadership, and their fitness, to – lead! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 important steps, towards creating a truly, meaningful action plan.
1. Thorough strategic planning: There is, almost, always, a direct relationship, between the quality, relevance, and thoroughness of the organization’s strategic planning, and the successful creation, and implementation of the finest – possible, action plan! It is essential to know, and understand, thoroughly, what is needed, and necessary, and the options and alternatives, to create a quality, effective strategy, and, only, when this is done, will a viable, effective action plan, be perceived and conceived of, created, and effectively, implemented!
2. Always consider ramifications and contingencies: It is important to understand, and realize, there are, usually, ramifications of any actions taken, as well as when one resorts to procrastination! Wise leadership requires a thorough consideration of these, and preparing, in – advance, contingency planning, which can be, seamlessly, used!
3. Options and alternatives: Since, there are often, a variety of options and alternatives, choosing wisely, must be, incumbent – upon, a true leader! Consider as many aspects, as possible, with an open – mind!
4. Goals; priorities; perceptions; needs: What are the best goals, and true priorities, of your specific organization, at – present, and into – the – future, and why? How might you effectively, address constituent’s perceptions, and actual needs, in a way, which brings – about, a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good?
5. Relevant and sustainable, instead of populist, etc: Too often, leaders are elected, based on populist, empty promises, and rhetoric, when, what is most – needed, is, thorough, relevant, and sustainable planning, and meaningful actions, taken, in a well – considered, timely manner, and using time – tested expertise, etc.
6. Timeline, with, Table of Responsibilities: Once, the best strategic planning, is thoroughly, performed, and you know, what you seek, an essential aspect of the action plan, must be, having a timeline, to examine and consider, using – metrics, what is going, as – planned, and what, needs to be tweaked! A great leader develops an inner circle of trusted advisors, and part of the planning, must be, having a table of responsibilities, with each area, led, by the right individuals, etc.